Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca is preparing specialists in the medical-pharmaceutical field capable to successfully perform in any health system in the world.
- 3 lines of study, in Romanian, English and French
- Over 7.000 students enrolled
- Over 2.800 international students from 63 countries around the world.
The purpose of our university is to educate students from all fields of health, residents, Ph.D. candidates, postdocs, consistent with the highest professional standards.
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UMF Cluj-Napoca trains clinicians able to practice at the highest level this noble profession, able to identify and respond to the fundamental questions of prevention and treatment of all pathologies, to provide high quality healthcare services. University graduates consistently earn the best results at the entrance examination for residency and very good results in international contests for holding professional positions.
We train performant researchers, who tomorrow shall provide perhaps solutions to problems existing nowadays in terms of scientific research.
Access to studies provided by ʺIuliu Haţieganuʺ University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca is open to Romanian and foreign citizens, observing the principle of equal opportunities, in accordance with the internal organization based on criteria of professional competence, moral integrity and loyalty to the University. Our University is committed to cultural and ethnic diversity. People from different backgrounds with different interests are encouraged to develop together in a safe professional atmosphere.
Higher education in Cluj exists since 1581. University life was gradually developed, outlining the various fields and specialties of study. Among these, an important place was occupied by medicine. On October 1st, 1919 it was founded the University in Cluj of the ʺSuperior Daciaʺ, which included four faculties with Romanian as teaching language: Sciences, Medicine, Law and Letters, and Philosophy. The first dean and organizer of the Romanian Faculty of Medicine was Iuliu Haţieganu, later the ʺMagnificus Rectorʺ of this university. Also in 1919 it is set up within the Faculty of Medicine the dental and pharmaceutical education. Subsequently, Cluj education in the field of medicine and pharmacy stood out from the University of Cluj, this way being established the Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute (I.M.F. Cluj). At the beginning, it comprised five faculties: general medicine, paediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and hygiene (which existed only for a decade). The Faculty of Medicine had the largest share.
Since 1990, the history of Cluj School of Medicine and Pharmacy has recorded a rapid and consistent development. That year, the old name of the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy (I.M.F.) was changed to the University of Medicine and Pharmacy. In 1992, the university was named after its first professor of clinical medicine, becoming ʺIuliu Haţieganuʺ University of Medicine and Pharmacy.